See our catalog for details and prices of products we offer, updated every January.  Prices can vary as the year progresses and new seed is brought in.  Order early for Spring planting to ensure you get the product you want.  Availability of varieties listed can change.


Northern Best Brand II, Extra Leafy Brand Multileaf, Green Leaf Brand, 7550, Gem Brand, Northern Hardy Brand

Clover and Trefoil:

Arlington Red, Med Red, Mammoth Red, Ladino White, Dutch White, Alsike, Kura, Yellow Blossum Sweet, Crimson, Birdsfoot Trefoil

Forage Grasses:

Harvestar Orchard, Potomac Orchard, Ranchero Tall Fescue, Evergraze Tall Fescue, Tower Tall Fescue, Fawn Tall Fescue, Meadow Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, Meroa Italian Ryegrass, Gulf Annual Ryegrass, Climax Timothy, Smooth Brome, Meadow Brome, Filly Forage Kentucky Bluegrass, Garrison Creeping Fox, Reed Canary

Pasture and Hay Mixes:

Alfalfa 90 Mix – 90% Alfalfa, 5% Orchard, 5% Tall Fescue

Alfalfa 77 Mix – 77% Alfalfa, 12% Orchard, 11% Timothy

Alfalfa 60 Mix – 60% Alfalfa, 15% Red Clover, 20% Timothy, 5% Alsike

Alfalfa 56 Mix – 56% Red Clover, 20% Timothy, 12% Tall Fescue, 12% Alsike

Grass Hay and Pasture Mix – 20% Orchard, 20% Tall Fescue, 20% Perennial Ryegrass, 20% Meadow Brome, 10% Meadow Fescue, 10% Timothy

Horse Pasture Mix – 35% Kentucky Bluegrass, 30% Perennial Ryegrass, 15% Orchard, 15%Tall Fescue, 5% Timothy

4 Way Grass Mix – 30% Smooth Brome, 30% Tall Fescue, 30% Perennial Ryegrass, 10% Timothy

Summer Annual Forage:

Sorghum-Sudan, Sudangrass, Japanese Millet, Teff, Pearl Millet


Saddle, Antigo, Rushmore, Buffalo, Deon, Pearl, Jerry/INO9201

Hard Red Spring Wheat:

Ascend, Torgy


Lacey, Lavina

Forage Pea and Pea Mixes:

4010 Field Peas

50:50 Barley Peas, 50:50 Oat Peas, 50:50 Tritical Peas

Spring Tritical

Winter Grain:

Hard Red Winter Wheat, Winter Rye, Winter Tritical, Winter Peas

Non-GMO Soybean:

MN1312CN RM 1.3, MN1807CN RM 1.8

Traited and NON-GMO Hybrid Corn:

85 – 107 Day Hybrids from Enestvedt Seed and Anderson Seeds.  Call for details.

Cover Crop:

Daikon Radish, Purple Top Turnip, Rape Seed, Kale, Hairy Vetch, Buckwheat, Clovers, Peas, Summer Annuals, Spring Grains, Winter Grains


Sunny Mix – 60% Kentucky Bluegrass, 20% Creeping Red Fescue, 20% Perennial Ryegrass

Rough and Tough Mix – 50% Kentucky Bluegrass, 20% Tall Fescue, 15% Perennial Ryegrass, 15% Annual Ryegrass

Kentucky Bluegrass, Creeping Red Fescue, Tall Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, Dutch White Clover available as individual species

Native Grasses and CRP:

Custom CRP mixes – Drop off your seeding plan and we can quote you.  CRP mixes are not stocked

Switchgrass, Big Bluestem, Wildflower Mix.  Other grasses and forbs available by order.  Call for information.

Food Plot:

Purple Top Turnip, Radish, Rape Seed, Kale, White Clover, Red Clover, Crimson Clover, Winter Rye, Oats, Wheat, Chicory, Sugar Beets, Seed Corn, Non-GMO Soybeans (we do not carry Roundup soybeans)

Sweet Corn:

Peaches and Cream Early, Ambrosia, Serendipity, Bodacious, Incredible